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Say Hello to Bips!

on January 02, 2013

Happy New Year, and welcome to the future (again)! We'd also like to welcome you to Bips!, the new game we've been working on with our friends at Denki.


Some of you perhaps noticed that we've been testing it over the New Year period, but now we're throwing the doors open to the uh... open beta of the game.

Bips! brings classic arcade-style play to Facebook (at least in our opinion!), and is very much in keeping with Denki's post-core philosophy: in other words, it's designed for people who love to play games, but don't have a huge amount of time to actually devote to games (for whatever reason). People like me.

The game relies on reflexes and your skill, just like the classic arcade games that inspired us. There's only one direct control, which will allow you to travel down the screen rather than up. And the aim of the game? Collect the treasure for high score. As simple as that. And if you top the leaderboard amongst your friends, you'll earn more tokens with which you can play the game.

This is just the beginning, of course. There's no shortage of ideas here about what to add to the game, and we'll be pushing out regular updates over the next few weeks (the best way to find out when we update is to like the game on Facebook here).

But we also know that those who play the game will have their own ideas. We look forward to hearing what those might be, but more than anything, we look forward to you playing the game and having fun!

Play Bips!

Previously: Winter Update