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Bodycheck Is Coming

on May 21, 2017

It's been almost exactly 2 years since the last update on, well, anything, really, but on Bodycheck in particular.

Lots has happened in that time, all in the realm of RR (Real Reality) rather than in the realm of #gamedev, and I can only apologise for not keeping all who were awaiting the release of the game updated.

The good news is that I'm here with a trailer (see below) and a release date. Yes, an actual, honest-to-goodness release date: 30 May, 2017 (in Europe). The game is still going through QA for an American release, but hopefully that will come through soon and a release won't be too far behind.

Hopefully you like the look of what you see above, and the news of an imminent release is of interest to anyone still listening!