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Games Are For Everyone

on May 22, 2015

This week began with the exciting realisation I'd managed to demerge the code that provides the ability to play the game using the PS Vita's ad-hoc networking (code we'd added to the engine we're using). Didn't take too long to get it all back in place (hurrah for version control), but still not ideal.

But the main event this week was showcasing the game at Games Are For Everyone, held in Edinburgh last night and organised by The Hit Point. Bodycheck was there in all its fully restored local-multiplayer glory, alongside pig-jousting fun in Mutiny!, first-person programmer Glitchspace, brain-melting puzzler Tealy & Orangey and surrealist multiplayer brawler Sluggish Morss: Days of the Purple Sun.


This kind of event is something I've been hoping would happen more often in Scotland (we had Tacos, Bluegrass & Videogames last year, and hopefully that will return too), but of course I didn't do anything about making it happen. Kudos to Andrew Dyce & co for putting in the effort to bring it all together. I'm lousy when it comes to judging how many people are in a place, but I'd guess maybe 70-80 apparently it was around 150 over the night. I don't know, but it felt constantly busy from the minute the doors opened at 7pm until I ran away for the last train to Glasgow at 11pm.

What I do know is that there was a constant stream of people playing all the games, lots of people watching people play the games, and much cheering and laughter from every corner as things went horribly wrong for someone (not to mention the occasional wail of despair from imminent Bodycheck victors as they managed to activate the crash that I swear never happened prior to 7pm last night, and isn't really happening today either. Sorry again!).

All in all, I thought it was a great night, and thanks again to everyone who played Bodycheck and gave feedback (even if you thought it wasn't what I wanted to hear!). I'm looking forward to the next one already, and if you're making a game in Scotland, I'd urge you to take it along - people want to play your games!

PS Don't forget to sign up to the newsletter (at the bottom right of this page) or follow on Twitter to find out when Bodycheck will be released on Vita!