Short games for people who don't have much spare time.

Bodycheck at Dare ProtoPlay

on August 05, 2014

It seems like only last week that we showed off Bodycheck at GoNorth and then the other day at the Radius Festival.

And now it seems to be Dundee's turn - Bodycheck will be one of the games in Dare ProtoPlay's Indiefest this Thursday and Friday, alongside all the games produced by the Dare to be Digial teams. The event is at Caird Hall, betwen 10am and 6pm. There's lots going on around the games too, including a talk by Richard Lemarchand (of Uncharted fame). It's mostly free, but some things you'll need a ticket for.

We'll have free things(*) to give away, so surely that's as good a reason as any to pay us a visit?

* Subject to availability.

Previously: Festival Madness