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A Secret Project Update

on September 28, 2012

We finally remembered to start a blog, and what better way to introduce it than by giving you an update to the oh-so-secret project we announced a few weeks back (that's the browser-based game we're working on in conjunction with our friends at Denki, for those who don't know).

Early answers to some presumed questions you might have about the project at this stage:

  • No, we can't reveal the name of the game yet.
  • No, we can't show you anything of the game yet.

That said, some lucky folk may get a chance to play the game real soon now. Today we're finalising our latest build of the game (#39, created over the last 9 weeks stat fans), and I can exclusively reveal that the game is indeed fun.

Stay tuned, as we'll have more to say in the very near future.